Genesis 19:12 “What are you doing in this place?” 

I heard a question as I read, prayed, pondered, and mused on the Word and the Lord.  It was the first of several questions.   The angels sent to judge Sodom and Gomorrah asked Lot an expansive question.   A question that was both geographical and spiritual.   Genesis 19:12 – “What are you doing in this place?” 

Geographically, it was speaking of Sodom.  However, the emotional, mental, and spiritual factors were also to be considered. Your geography can be so saturated with corruption that it steals your heart, distorts your thinking, and diverts your faith.   But even more powerful is the question, “Why are you willing to let the lifestyles and ideologies of corruption have a place in your heart?”

We are in but not of the world.   We cannot avoid corrupt people.  But we can avoid corrupt thinking.  We can be in the world but not of it.  We can be separate without being self-righteous.   We can be lights in the darkness.  Yet, sometimes, the Spirit of God asks, “What are you doing here?” 

If we get comfortable with the corruption around us, we may and probably will have a longing for the provisions and temporary pleasures found there.   Acceptance is a huge factor for most people. 

To gain acceptance, many live in a place and have a mindset that elicits the question. “What are you doing in this place?”  A prime example is Lot’s wife.  She looked back, and it cost her her life, if not her eternity.  We are not those who look back longingly or desire the comfort zone of acceptance that demands the tainting of our souls.

We are lights, witnesses, examples, and manifestations of God’s love, person, purpose, and power.  If we are being drawn away from purpose geographically, emotionally, or spiritually, are we in the right place?  In Christ, there is peace, power, and purpose.

If our spiritual authority is lacking, it might be good to ask, “What am I doing in this place or condition?”  Is what we are experiencing what God says we are and can be?  If not, what are we doing in this place?

Submit Everything to God and fasten your seat belts. Your world is about to change.  No more riding coach class; 1st class is your call.

May the LORD of All Creation empower you to break free from whatever holds you back and propel you into His Presence so you can fulfill His Purpose for your life!

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