Spiritual Blog - Believe

Proverbs 15:3 – “The eyes of the LORD are in every place, watching the evil and the good.”  NASU


I am quite serious in asking the question and the reason I ask it is the apparent disregard we have for the reality of this and related passages in the Bible.  If we KNOW that God sees everything and is watching how can we justify some of the things we say and do?  I stand guilty as charged and confess there are times I have acted as though God were both deaf and blind or of very short memory.  He is none of those and we know it in our heads but do we truly believe it in our hearts?

I am reminded of a story from WWII where a Chaplain in England was talking to some of the troops trying to encourage them.  I do not know what he was saying but one young soldier who had been through several life-threatening battles asked, “Chaplain, do you really believe in hell?”  The Chaplain was shocked and responded with stammering saying, “Well of course I do, I am a chaplain.”  The young soldier was not impressed with his answer and said, “Chaplain, you do not for you don’t talk about it.  If I believed in hell, though England was covered with glass I’d crawl on my hands and knees to warn people of it.  You are not warning anyone.”  That got my attention.  I recall in my own experience after I came to Christ and no matter who I talked to or where I was I told people about God’s saving power and grace.  I was at a softball game and a Chaplain of one of the Prisons was present.  I was sharing my newfound joy with him and he became incredibly nervous and said in anguish, “Why are you telling me all this, I’m a Chaplain.”  Then, you should be rejoicing with me in my new found freedom from the bondages of sin.

But, back to the question.  In Psalm 139:7-12 the Psalmist addresses the issue of God being everywhere, knowing and seeing everything and what that should mean.  The Psalmist recognized that no matter where he went God’s presence was there.  It didn’t matter if he could see the evidence or even feel the presence HE KNEW.  He even said, “If somehow I could ascend to heaven or lie down in hell, YOU ARE THERE.”  No matter where we go or what we do GOD IS THERE and HE SEES.  In 2 Chronicles 16:9 we find the prophet Hanani telling King Asa of Judah, “…the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.”  He conveyed to the King that Asa had acted foolishly and forgotten this truth and as a result, the nation would suffer.

If we were to keep in our conscious thought the reality that GOD SEES EVERYTHING I am quite convinced we would act differently frequently.  The question is, “Do we really believe the Bible?”  If I believe that God is declaration of Hebrews 12:29 that “God is a consuming fire” and Hebrews 10:31 that it is a “…dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God” and believe that God is Holy and accepts nothing but holiness we would tremble at some of the thoughts, words, and deeds we engage in.  At least, so it would seem.  For example, if you know for certain that just over the next hill there is a traffic cop and if you continue to exceed the speed limit you will be stopped and ticketed would you continue to speed?  NO, you’d slow down because you believe.  How is it that we would react so with a traffic cop but not with the Creator God?  That brings conviction to my heart as I write and I now feel the need to find my prayer closet and repent.

I pray that God will help each of us to be conscious continually of His Omnipresence, Omniscience, and Omnipotence.  He is Love and incredibly longsuffering and merciful but He is also holy and we dare not forget any of those realities. His Grace is sufficient for us but He will not wink at sin and to sin willfully is a very dangerous condition and not one that any of us should be willing to enter.  So, my prayer for each one is that we are keenly aware of the truth that GOD IS, GOD SEES, and GOD HEARS.

            Blessings as you continue your faithful journey toward that Eternal Prize.

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