Spiritual Blog - Circumspect

Ephesians 5:15-16 – “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, 16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”  NKJV


Paul gave life counsel to the Ephesians and one particularly noteworthy item was ‘how they were to walk or live.’   He gave a contrast saying ‘walk this way not this way.’  Advice it would benefit each of us to carefully consider in our daily lives.

Some live more as a Circus Spectacle than Circumspect and demonstrate an inherent bent toward foolishness and as a result are generally guilty of being time wasters rather than redeemers of that precious commodity.  Being a Christian carries with it a great responsibility in presentation before the world a life that is complimentary of our faith not one that is detrimental to our confession of faith.

Circumspect is defined as ‘watchful and discreet; cautious and prudent.’  A circumspect walk will not be one that is so outrageous that it would be more acceptable in a circus than society.  The flumadiddle that is all too often manifest needs to stop for we have a monumental task before us that is of eternal significance.  Multitudes are perishing without God and unless we learn to live in a manner that reflects our Lord and demonstrates His wisdom we limit our ability to witness to them.  If they see us more as Circus Spectacles than Circumspect we have little impact but if we manifest Him lifting Him up in our lives they will be drawn to Him.

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That by no means suggests that we are to be so solemn and serious all the time that we are viewed as fuddy duddies.  God wants us to be overflowing with the Joy of the Lord and be anointed with the oil of gladness.  I have found that people who cannot or do now laugh or even know how are often miserable and breed miserableness.  I recall once having a person, whom everyone in town knew as the hardest man around, come to me and say, “Preacher, I want what you’ve got.”  He went on to tell me that because I was frequently laughing, would tell a joke, and even when things were difficult could find a lighter side and yet incredibly serious he was interested.  He also told me that he had witnessed me shifting gears from humor to serious and knew that while I like to laugh I was deadly serious about life and he saw something in me he did not see in most.  I did not take that to mean that I was better, more spiritual or special than other dedicated believers in my community.  I took it to mean that God had used me to demonstrate a manner of life that caught this man’s attention positively.  Some in the same town did not like my way of approaching life and thought as a preacher I should be sour-faced and solemn all the time.

So if we live a life that is circumspect allowing God’s wisdom to flow through us as we redeem the time taking advantage of the opportunities set before us we will touch others positively and powerfully.  My prayer is:  “Lord help me to walk circumspectly and never let me be viewed as a circus spectacle.”

            God bless you as you go through this day!

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