Spiritual Blog - Help

Psalm 30:5 – “…Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”  NKJV

Kris Kristofferson wrote a song title, “Help Me Make It Through The Night” and it speaks of the human need for comfort, companionship and compassion.  It speaks of the horrors of being alone and how we as humans need someone to help us make it through difficult times in life.  That is so true of life in general and while reaching out to another human in what could be an illicit relationship attempting to dull the pain through a night of passion might give a temporary respite and please the flesh it will not solve the problem.

When we are facing difficult times and weeping is our state we need something or someone who can truly take away the pain and make us whole again.  The Psalmist declared that “…weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”  Joy, not happiness or the euphoria of pleasure but JOY!  Joy is not conditioned upon circumstances it is a condition of heart and mind that looks beyond circumstances into solutions.  In the spiritual realm it is conditional upon our relationship with God and our attitude toward Him and His promises.  It grows out of trust and faith. 

I have had times when I was not sure I could last the night and my cry was, “Lord, help me make it through the night.”  I relied on His promise that He would NEVER leave me or forsake me but would be with me at all times and through all time.  I relied on His promise that if I called upon Him He would come to me and not cast me aside.  I relied on His provision of grace and His demonstrated love.  The devil had come in like a flood, people had deserted me, I had been abandoned and left to drift on the sea of life alone and was desperate and in despair.  I cried to the Lord and He heard me and as the Psalmist declared, “I sought the LORD, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”  (34:4)

There are times when the comfort of another human is woefully inadequate and we need the One who has been tempted in all points as we to console us.  We need the One who has overcome hell and the grave to reach out to us.  We need the Shepherd to walk with us through the valley of the shadow of death and comfort us.  We need the LORD to help us make it through the time of weeping so that we can emerge in the light where JOY shines like the noonday sun.

If you are facing a time in which you feel the entire world is on your shoulders and the walls are closing in call to Jesus and He will comfort you.  He truly feels your pain, understands your sorrow and desires to lift you above the dark pit facing you.  Do not pray in doubt but in optimistic faith, “LORD, help me make it through this plight or night.”

             God bless you as you continue your journey through this thing called life. 

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